Deposit and Withdraw CSPR on OKX exchange with CasperDash wallet

OKX Exchange overview #

OKX is a cryptocurrency exchange founded by Star Xu in January 2014, China. OKX exchange invested millions of USD from the most venture capital funds in the world, such as Giant Network Group, Longling Capital, Ceyuan Ventures, Qianhe Capital Management, eLong Inc and VenturesLab (co-founded by Tim Draper).

OKX used to be known as OKEX and is a managed subsidiary of the OKCoin platform. By January 2022, this exchange was officially renamed OKX.

Register an OKX account here:

CasperDash wallet overview #

CasperDash is a non-custodial wallet built on Casper Blockchain with features such as Storing, Sending and Receiving tokens on the Casper ecosystem. In addition, the CasperDash wallet is available to store all digital assets in NFT and token forms.

Many users of the Casper ecosystem use it because of its convenient and friendly interface.

Download a CasperDash wallet here:

Deposit CSPR from CasperDash wallet to OKX exchange #

First, log in to OKX exchange, select “Assets

Then, choose “Deposit

Type “CSPR” on the searching taskbar then select the CSPR icon above.

Continues select “Casper” in “Select deposit network

The screen will show up your wallet address, select “Copy”.

Continue to log in to CasperDash wallet and select “Send”.

The screen will show up for you to enter the CSPR amount and wallet address. You must deposit at least 0.00000001 CSPR and should leave an amount to use as a fee if you want to withdraw it. The deposit fee is 0.1 CSPR. Fill “0” in the Transfer ID box.

After you complete filling in all information, choose “Confirm

Then select “Sign” to complete the CSPR deposit process.

That’s it! We completed the CSPR deposit process on the OKX exchange. You can check the status by selecting the icon on the bottom right corner of the CasperDash wallet screen or check directly on the OKX exchange wallet.

Withdraw CSPR on OKX exchange to CasperDash wallet #

First, log in to Casper Dash wallet. Public Key will show up on your screen right after you enter the wallet. Choose the icon beside Public Key to copy.

Then log in to OKX exchanges, select “Assets

Choose “Withdraw

In “Withdrawal” select “CSPR

The system will show 2 choices for you:

1/On-chain: send CSPR to personal wallet through the Public Keys

2/ Internal (free): send CSPR to OKX users. There is no fee.

We choose “On-chain” here

Then there are several things you need to pay attention to when sending CSPR

1/ Address/Domain: fill in the Public Key of the CasperDash wallet.

2/ Withdrawal network: Select the standard in the CSPR network. There is only one CSPR-Casper now.

3/ Amount: Enter the amount of CSPR you need to withdraw (at least 3 CSPR). If you want to withdraw all the amounts, select “All” next to the box.

4/ Fee: The withdrawal fees range from 4 to 8 CSPR.

Click on “Submit” after completing filling in the information.


Please be careful with signs of fraud, such as low prices on prepaid virtual gift cards or requests to deposit funds to unknown platforms. OKX will never ask you to withdraw funds to another address.

Select “I understand all the risk…” and choose “Continue

The system will ask for the confirmation codes. Select “Send” to receive code from G-mail and phone numbers. Then paste the code into the corresponding positions. When finished, select “Confirm

You will have to wait for the CSPR withdrawal to be finished. If the screen shows up like below means you have successfully withdrawn CSPR.